Our PBL focus for this week is: Being resilient and bouncing back in the playground.
What do our 4 school values look like in the playground?
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) - What is it?
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is an evidence-based whole school process to improve learning outcomes for all students at Oran Park Public School. PBL aims to establish positive social expectations for all members of our school community. PBL provides a framework for the school and its community to collectively support the wellbeing of every students.
National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence
Early in the year, Australian schools stood united in their communities to celebrate the eighth National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence (NDA).The National Day of Action is Australia's key anti-bullying event for schools and this year, Oran Park Public School and other schools imagined a world free from bullying.
Underneath are lessons your child participated in during the National Day of Action.
Early Stage 1 NDA (pptx 2149 KB)
Stage 1 NDA (pptx 8906 KB)
Stage 2 NDA (pptx 2675 KB)
Stage 3 NDA (pptx 1650 KB)
Oran Park Public School is committed to ensuring the wellbeing of all students. It is our priority that students are happy and engaged learners. Strategies to overcome bullying are taught to all students at our school. Students and parents are encouraged to inform staff members of any behaviour that is repetitious and sustained in order to keep all of our students safe and happy each and every day. Below is an example of a lesson we teach our students. Please have a look and discuss with your child.
Anti-Bullying (pptx 3506 KB)
What does it look like at OPPS?
Throughout our school, you will see signs in both classrooms and outdoor areas. The focus of these signs are our school values which are:
You will also see our school expectations situated around the school. They look like this:
Students also take part in PBL lessons that have a specific focus every week. These lessons aim to teach students the appropriate behaviours that are expected at our school.