Oran Park Public School

Love of Learning

Telephone02 4632 4651


Year 3 Movie Day

Year 3 Movie Day Excursion

Students in Year 3 have the opportunity to attend United Cinemas in Narellan to watch the movie 'Moana 2' (rated PG) to celebrate a wonderful year of learning. Students will then walk across to Elyard Reserve to have lunch and play in the park before getting the bus back to school.

When - Thursday 5 December 2024

Time - Students MUST arrive at school by 9:00am as buses will be departing at 9:15am. Students will return to school by 3pm

Venue - United Cinemas Narellan (326 Camden Valley Way, Narellan NSW 2567)

Clothing - Full sports uniform including hat. Flat enclosed comfortable footwear.

Food - Popcorn & Drink (Movie combo included)
Students to bring their own lunch and recess

Students are to bring - Students to bring their own lunch and recess. They may bring a small picnic blanket to sit on as well.

Permission note and payment is due by - Friday 22 November 2024