Oran Park Public School

Love of Learning

Telephone02 4632 4651


Principal Update - A message from Mrs Shevlin Monday 30th August 2021


Dear Parents and Carers,

I am sure that you are aware learning from home will continue until the end of this term and into the first few weeks of Term 4. Although this seems like an incredibly long time, at least we now have some return to school dates and a definite light at the end of this crazy tunnel!

NSW Health and the Department of Education have worked together on a plan to improve the safety for your children when they return in late October and early November. By the 8th November all staff on site will be fully vaccinated. Staggered starts for K-1 and Year 6, with the other years returning in the following weeks.

Thank you for keeping your children, the other students and the staff safe this term. Thank you for your support of remote learning and for only sending your children to school when there is no other option.

At this stage there is limited information regarding our return so far, but I will keep you updated as soon as I know. I really look forward to seeing the students back at school soon, having fun and learning together with their class.


Kind Regards

Donna Shevlin
